Electrical Equipment Trading Company Limited G8
Household Goods Company
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With the long-haul target, gradually dominating the domestic market, the G8 chooses the slogan: RESPONSIBLE BRAND. This is a statement confirming the responsibility of the G8 to Vietnamese Consumers, for the G8 product distribution system. The G8 is ultimately responsible for Technical Defective Products, which is currently less than 2% of the G8 Defective Products. Thanks to the comprehensive quality control (TQM) through each production stage, the G8 is thoroughly inspected before assembling finished products. -
Professional Summary
G8 is the pioneer brand in the industry of BATTERY LIGHT - LOAD MUI - FIRST BRIGHT LIGHTS with a methodical and in-depth investment with an initial investment of nearly 100 billion VND to be able to take initiative in Product Quality. suitable for the use of the domestic market. At present, G8 has a Battery Manufacturing Workshop, Electronic Circuit Board, a Phase-Production Workshop (Backlight), and a Plastic Manufactory specializing in the production of Outer Shells and Product packaging… .80% of components and materials materials are actively produced by G8 at Factory G8 - Nguyen Xa Industrial Cluster - Dong Hung - Thai Binh. So the G8 is completely confident in the G8's Product Quality. -
Investment Size45.000 to 75.000 USD
Investment Criteria
Sector Preference